Mastering Packaging Version Control through Artwork Management

version control
Version management in Twona AMS

Precision and consistency are essential for a good packaging design, which makes version control keystone in the creative process. Any misstep in managing design versions can lead to costly errors, delays, and even brand integrity issues. Artwork Management plays a critical role in mastering packaging version control, even if most of the times, this role is seen as a silent hero as it is rather transparents for users of these systems.

The Challenge of Packaging Version Control

Design projects, especially in industries like pharmaceuticals, retail, and food production, often involve numerous stakeholders contributing feedback, revisions, and updates. The result? A myriad of design versions that need to be tracked, compared, and managed efficiently. Failure in version control can result in:

  • Inconsistencies: Different versions may introduce inconsistencies in branding, messaging, or design elements.
  • Delays and Revisions: Unclear version control often leads to delays as teams struggle to identify the latest approved version.
  • Quality Issues: Printing or production errors may occur if the wrong version makes it to the final stages.

Artwork Management’s Crucial Role

Artwork Management systems provide a structured and organized approach to the complex process of design iteration. Here’s how:

1. Centralized Repository:

Artwork Management systems serve as a centralized hub for all design versions. Every iteration, feedback, or change is documented and stored in an organized manner, eliminating the chaos of scattered files.

2. Version Tracking:

The ability to track changes across design versions is fundamental. Artwork Management systems meticulously record modifications, allowing teams to trace the evolution of a design from inception to approval.

3. Collaboration without Confusion:

In collaborative design processes, multiple individuals may be working on different aspects simultaneously. Artwork Management systems facilitate collaboration without the risk of conflicting versions, ensuring that everyone is on the same page.

4. Seamless Approval Processes:

Efficient version control streamlines the approval process. Stakeholders can review and approve the latest version without ambiguity, reducing bottlenecks and speeding up the journey from design to production.

Realizing the Benefits: From Efficiency to Compliance

1. Enhanced Efficiency:

Efficient version control translates to faster approval cycles, reduced back-and-forth, and a more streamlined design process. This efficiency is invaluable in industries where time-to-market is a critical factor.

2. Error Reduction:

By providing a clear history of design changes, Artwork Management systems significantly reduce the likelihood of errors making it into the final production stage. This ensures a higher level of quality and consistency in the end product.

3. Compliance Assurance:

Certain industries, such as pharmaceuticals, require stringent compliance with regulations. Artwork Management systems provide the necessary documentation and audit trails, ensuring that the design process aligns with regulatory standards.

Integration with Workflow: A Synergistic Approach

Artwork Management’s role in version control becomes even more potent when seamlessly integrated with a workflow management tool. This synergy ensures that version control is not a standalone process but an integral part of the broader design and approval workflow.

If you also want to embrace the advantages of Artwork Management in your packaging design process, and witness how mastering version control becomes the cornerstone of a successful and precise creative journey, do not hesitate to check Twona AMS, which integrates artwork management, workflow management, version control and approvals under one single roof.

Striking the Right Balance: Key Aspects of Designing SOPs for Pharmaceutical Packaging


Designing packaging materials for pharmaceutical brands can be a meticulous and complex process. As a designer working for a studio that works exclusively with pharma, my work primarily involves implementing a strict set of rules on various packaging materials that will be commercialized across different markets. To keep everything in check, in my team we write SOPs tailored to each customer. In this article, I’ll discuss the key aspects we consider when writing those SOPs and comment on the balance between effectiveness and completeness.

Clarity and Simplicity

The first aspect to consider when writing a design SOP is clarity and simplicity. The document should be easy to understand and follow for all team members, regardless of their expertise or experience. If a Junior designer cannot follow the document, then it does not fulfils its purpose. This can be achieved by using clear language, avoiding jargon, and providing visual examples when necessary. An image might be worth a thousand words. An effective SOP should prioritize essential information and avoid excessive detail to ensure that it remains concise and focused. If complex details are needed, you can always reference a more complex or complete document such as complete brand design guideline.

Compliance with Brand Guidelines and Regulatory Requirements

Pharmaceutical packaging must adhere to both the company’s brand guidelines and the regulatory requirements of the target market. It also needs to comply with all technical specifications from the manufacturing entity. A design SOP should provide clear instructions on how to maintain consistency with the company’s visual identity and fulfill the necessary legal obligations. This includes guidelines on colors, fonts, logos, and layout, as well as any specific labeling requirements mandated by law. And these change per country! Templates are in this case VERY useful.

Adaptability for Different Formats and Materials

We deal with packaging in various formats and materials, such as boxes, bottles, and blister packs. An effective design SOP should account for these variations and provide guidance on how to adapt designs accordingly. If you ever faced implementing a tini tiny label, then you know what it’s like. This may involve including modular design elements that can be easily rearranged or resized to fit different formats. Again, templates are your friend.

Revision and Update Process

Finally, a design SOP should include a clear process for revising and updating the document. This is crucial to ensure that the SOP remains relevant and up-to-date with any changes in brand guidelines, regulatory requirements, or industry best practices. This is particularly critical if your studio is ISO compliant. It is as important to make the right changes as to track who made those changes and why.

Striking the Right Balance

An effective and useful design SOP should provide enough information and guidance to ensure that all team members can create consistent, compliant, and technically correct packaging materials. However, it’s essential to strike the right balance between providing necessary details and overwhelming the reader with excessive information. An over-complete SOP may lead to confusion, inconsistencies, and a slower design process. By focusing on the key aspects outlined above, you can create an SOP that is both comprehensive and efficient, ensuring that your pharmaceutical packaging designs meet the highest standards.

If you are unsure as to what is the right level of detail, use an Agile process. Write a draft, let your team use it, get feedback and refine the document iteratively.

Your Studio Partner

Do you feel stuck with your current design process? Reach out to our studio and let us give you a hand. We can help you implement artworks or improve your studio processes.

Your Studio Partner

ChatGPT as Technical Sales

This is a followup of this post.

Me: lets reverse the roles. I will be the Artwork Manager and you will be me. I will start.

Artwork Manager: Hi, thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I’ve been facing a number of challenges in managing our artwork process, and I was hoping that Twona could help us streamline our operations. Can you give me a brief overview of how Twona works and how it could potentially help us address these issues?

Me: What? I said let’s reverse the roles. I will be the Artwork Manager and you will be me.

ChatGPT: Apologies for the confusion. Please go ahead and start the conversation as the Artwork Manager, and I will respond as the Technical Sales consultant at Twona.

Me: hi, thanks for taking the time to speak with me. I work as an Artwork Manager and I would like to know more about Twona and how it can help my team.Technical Sales Consultant: Hi! It’s my pleasure to speak with you today. Twona is a Cloud SaaS Artwork Management System designed to help organizations streamline their artwork processes. Our solution can help you address a variety of challenges commonly faced in the artwork management field, such as managing workflows and versions, handling approvals and feedback, and tracking KPIs.

Twona’s key features include:

  1. Workflow and Version Management: This allows you to create and manage artwork projects, track progress, and maintain a clear version history.
  2. Approval Management: Streamline the approval process by involving all relevant stakeholders, both internal and external, with configurable parallel or serial approval processes.
  3. Online Proofing: Twona provides a platform for visualizing and comparing artwork versions, enabling easy identification of changes and reducing manual proofing efforts.

Additionally, Twona offers reporting capabilities through a powerful API that can be used to create custom dashboards for KPI tracking.

If you could provide more details on the challenges your team is currently facing, I’d be happy to explain how Twona can specifically address those issues and improve your artwork management process.

Me: Well, one of the key difficulties is that everyone sends me a lot of emails asking me to give them updates on the project, or sending information mid way while the artwork is being designed. So….its a lot of emails.

Technical Sales Consultant: I understand how managing emails can become overwhelming and inefficient. Twona can help you significantly reduce email clutter and improve communication within your team.

By centralizing all project-related information within the Twona platform, you’ll be able to manage and track project updates more efficiently. Team members and stakeholders can access project information, view the project status, and provide feedback or additional information directly within the platform.

With Twona’s task assignment and notification features, you can assign tasks to specific team members, set deadlines, and receive notifications when tasks are completed or when there are updates on the project. This eliminates the need for email-based communication and ensures that everyone has access to the latest information and updates.

Furthermore, Twona’s approval management feature helps to streamline the feedback process by allowing all relevant stakeholders to review, comment, and approve artwork within the platform. This eliminates the need for email-based feedback loops and ensures that all feedback is consolidated in one place.

Overall, Twona will help you to reduce email clutter and improve the efficiency of your artwork management process by centralizing communication and providing a single platform for project updates, feedback, and approvals.

Me (giving feedback on its performance): As Technical Sales, you need to be more proactive and ask more questions towards the end so the conversation can flow and there is a higher chance of closing a deal or getting one step closer to a deal. Please rewrite that last text and follow this general rule: talk less, be precise, ask more questions relevant to the client

Technical Sales Consultant: I can see how managing numerous emails can be overwhelming and inefficient. With Twona, we can help centralize project-related information and streamline communication.

Using Twona, your team can access project updates and provide feedback within the platform. This reduces the need for email-based communication and ensures everyone stays in the loop.

Could you provide more details on how your team currently manages approvals and feedback? This would help me better understand your process and explain how Twona’s features can specifically address your needs.

Me: We do everything via email. When the artwork is ready, I send it to the different people that need to review it. But because the process is a mess, I usually send it one person at a time. This takes a long time and I usually have to chase people because they have not done the review. Once I get all the reviews, I collate all the feedback and send it to the agency so they can create a new version.

Technical Sales Consultant: Thank you for sharing your current process. Twona can definitely help streamline the approval and feedback process, saving you time and reducing the need for chasing down reviews.

With Twona’s approval management feature, you can create approval loops involving all relevant stakeholders at once, rather than sending the artwork individually. The platform will send out notifications to reviewers and provide them with a centralized space to review, comment, and approve the artwork.

Twona will also send automatic reminders to those who haven’t completed their review, reducing the need for you to chase people manually. Once all feedback is collected, the platform consolidates it for you, making it easy to communicate with the agency for creating new versions.

Would you like to see a demonstration of how the approval management feature works in Twona? This can help you better visualize how it could fit into your existing processes and improve your workflow.

Me (giving feedback on its performance): Let’s assume the customer said yes and you demo the product. Proceed to the next question.

Technical Sales Consultant: I’m glad you found the demonstration helpful. Now that you have seen how Twona’s approval management feature works, I’d like to address any other challenges you might be facing in your artwork management process.

Are there any specific pain points or concerns, such as version control, reporting, or collaboration with external partners, that you’d like to discuss? Understanding your unique needs will help me better demonstrate how Twona can be tailored to your requirements and further streamline your operations.

Me: As I said in the beginning, I have to reply to a lot of emails for people asking me for an update. Then at the quarterly review, it is a bit embarrassing not being able to provide metrics on how many jobs or how long it took for them to get done. I also don’t know where to start improving my process, because everything is manual.

Technical Sales Consultant: I understand how important it is to have a clear view of your process and to be able to provide metrics during reviews. Twona can help you not only reduce the email clutter but also track and report key performance indicators (KPIs) for your artwork management process.

  1. Project status updates: Twona offers real-time project status tracking, so team members can easily check the progress of a project within the platform. This reduces the need for update requests via email and keeps everyone informed.
  2. Reporting and KPIs: Twona provides a powerful API that allows you to create customized dashboards for reporting and tracking KPIs. This way, you can have a clear overview of the number of jobs completed, average time taken for each job, and other performance metrics. Having this data at hand will make your quarterly reviews more insightful and help you identify areas for improvement.
  3. Process improvement: With a clear view of your process and performance data, you can identify bottlenecks, inefficiencies, and areas where your team can improve. Twona’s customizable workflows and automation features can help you optimize your process, making it more efficient and reducing manual work.

Would you like more information on how to create customized KPI dashboards or discuss specific areas where you’re looking to improve your process? This can help us identify the best way Twona can be tailored to your needs.

Me: Wow, those are great features indeed. How long would it take for Twona to be implemented for my team?

Technical Sales Consultant: We’re glad you find the features valuable! The implementation timeline for Twona can vary depending on your specific requirements, the complexity of your workflows, and how quickly your team can adapt to the new system. However, our goal is to make the implementation process as smooth and efficient as possible.

Typically, we can have Twona up and running in under a week. We assign a dedicated Customer Success Manager (CSM) to guide you through the onboarding process, assist with gathering relevant data, configure the platform, migrate existing data, and train your team on how to use Twona effectively.

The CSM will work closely with you to ensure the implementation timeline aligns with your needs and resources. They will also provide ongoing support to help you optimize the system and get the most out of Twona’s features.

Is there a specific timeframe you have in mind for implementation, or any concerns about the onboarding process that we can help address?

Me: I would like to present this to management first. Will you be able to share a quote with me?

Technical Sales Consultant: Absolutely! We’d be happy to provide you with a quote tailored to your specific needs. In order to give you the most accurate pricing, we’ll need some more information about your team size, the number of users who will be accessing the platform, and any specific features or customizations you might require.

Once we have this information, we can put together a detailed quote for you to present to management. If you’d like, we can also provide additional materials or join a call with your management team to help present Twona and address any questions or concerns they may have.

Please feel free to share the necessary information, and we’ll get started on preparing a quote for you right away.

Me (giving feedback on its performance): Make it more specific and try to close the call with a specific action point, for instance a specific date for a follow up call.

Technical Sales Consultant: I understand that you’d like to present this to management first. To help you with that, we can provide a tailored quote and any supporting materials you might need for your presentation.

In order to give you the most accurate pricing, please share the following information:

  1. Your team size
  2. The number of users who will be accessing the platform
  3. Any specific features or customizations you might require

Once we have this information, we can prepare a detailed quote and additional materials for you to present to your management team. To ensure we’re available to assist you further, let’s schedule a follow-up call after your presentation to management. How about we pencil in a call for next week on [specific date] at [specific time]? This will give us an opportunity to address any questions, concerns, or feedback that may arise from your management team.

If that date and time work for you, please confirm, and we’ll send you a calendar invite. Also, feel free to share the necessary information for the quote, and we’ll get started on preparing it for you right away.

A demo for ChatGPT

My prompt

You are an Artwork Manager that works for a pharmaceutical company. Your key responsibility is to manage the creation and update of packaging materials (design wise) from request (from regulatory or logistics) all the way to print proof. You need to ensure that the process is smooth and efficient, avoid mistakes at all costs, deliver with as little iterations as possible and on time. You currently manage the entire process through email and spreadsheets. You are currently facing some fundamental challenges: – To ensure no mistakes are made, a lot of people are reviewing the artworks, which creates delays and bottlenecks. – A lot of iterations are needed due to the fact that there are many feedback rounds with information that was not provided at the beginning of the process. – Consecutive versions need to checked manually. – There is no way to report key performance indicators or to understand where the critical bottlenecks are because the entire process is manual. – All the information is scattered across email and shared folders and it is sometimes difficult to locate the right information. You have reached out to Twona, a SaaS Artwork Management System provider because you want to understand how it can help you improve your process. I am a Technical Sales consultant at Twona, who knows a lot about standard processes in the Artworks field in Pharma and has a deep technical knowledge of the capabilities of Twona. Let’s start a conversation that would typically happen during a demo. You can start.

The conversation

Artwork Manager: Hi, thank you for taking the time to meet with me today. I’ve been facing a number of challenges in managing our artwork process, and I was hoping that Twona could help us streamline our operations. Can you give me a brief overview of how Twona works and how it could potentially help us address these issues?

Me: Twona is a Cloud SaaS Artwork Management System that helps organizations streamline their artwork processes by means of three key areas: Workflow and Version Management, Approval Management and Proofing of Artworks. Since it is a web SaaS application, you can use your browser to access all your data from anywhere. Can you perhaps elaborate a bit more on your challenges so we can focus on which parts of the system might be more relevant to you?

Artwork Manager: Sure, let me provide more details on the challenges we’re facing. One of our main issues is the number of people involved in reviewing the artworks, which creates delays and bottlenecks. We also have multiple feedback rounds due to missing information at the beginning of the process, leading to numerous iterations. Additionally, we need to check consecutive versions manually, which is quite time-consuming.

Furthermore, we have no efficient way to report key performance indicators, making it hard to identify critical bottlenecks. Finally, our information is scattered across emails and shared folders, making it difficult to locate the right information when needed.

With these challenges in mind, can you explain how Twona can help us improve our process and overcome these issues?

Me: Thank you for that explanation. Let me try to answer one by one those challenges you are facing. We see frequently across our customers that there are many stakeholders involved in the review and approval process. Twona’s approval functionality allows you to manage the process in an efficient way. It works both with internal and external stakeholders (external stakeholders do not need a license for the system) and it can work both with parallel approval process as well as serial approval processes. So lets say the artwork needs to be reviewed at a certain stage, this is how it would work: You select the artwork version for which you want feedback and/or approval and then include all relevant stakeholders (both internal as part of your team as well as external, for instance CMOs, printers, etc). Twona will then send an email to all stakeholders with a link where they will be able to review, download, comment, upload supporting files and even record a video/voice message. All the relevant information will be collected in one place for you to review, without having to read one single email. To simplify the process, Twona will also notify you when all approvals have been collected. And if someone forgets, Twona will send them a reminder one week after the approval was requested and you can always send them a manual reminder directly from the application. How does that sound?

Artwork Manager: That sounds really helpful! It would definitely help to have a centralized platform for managing approvals and feedback. I’m also interested in how Twona can help with reducing the number of iterations and managing consecutive versions. Can you explain how the system addresses those challenges?

Me: A large number of iterations is typically symptom of a broken process. Twona can help you by streamlining the workflow and making sure everyone is aware of what they have to do. There are a few key bits that are relevant in that process. First of all, Twona does all the version tracking for you. Since we work with Pharmaceutical companies, Twona is very strict and compliant with market standards. Each version is uniquely identified by a number and cannot be deleted. Twona can also help you identify the state of that version: approved, obsolete, rejected by setting specific version states which are configurable and setting automation rules to set those states under specific circumstances, for instance “when all stakeholders have approved, change the state of the version to approved”, or “if a rejection is received, change the state of the version to rejected and move the project back to changes required”. Additionally, and this is not tool related but process related, we always recommend to our customers that a quality check is put in place to ensure that all information related to the creation of the artwork is correct and complete. This helps avoid iterations due to poor brief information. One additional feature that can help there, is the ability to configure brief forms to introduce all relevant information before a project is started, avoiding also the back and forth email process or unnecessary iterations due to faulty information. Does that answer your question?

Artwork Manager: Yes, that definitely answers my question. The version tracking and configurable workflow sound like they will help us minimize iterations and improve efficiency. One remaining concern is the ability to generate reports and track key performance indicators. Can you explain how Twona can help us with that aspect of our process?

Me: That is a great question. Across all our customers, we see very different needs when it comes to reporting. Some want KPIs on time to process, others want KPIs related to workload for their team. It is very difficult to create KPI dashboards that can answer all needs, so we do something different here. We provide a very powerful API that allows customers to create and configure completely customised dashboards for KPI reporting. Because APIs can be used across a multitude of systems, this provides the flexibility to create something completely tailored to your needs. One example is using Zapier, Google Sheets and Google Looker to create powerful dashboards without code. We are always happy to make a dashboard for your needs (this is usually just a couple of hours of work).

Artwork Manager: That’s fantastic! Having a customizable solution for generating reports and tracking KPIs will be really beneficial for us. It seems like Twona could be the solution we’re looking for to address our challenges and improve our artwork management process.

Before we wrap up, I have one last question. How easy is it to implement Twona into our existing processes? What kind of support do you offer during the implementation phase?

Me: That is a difficult question. We always say that we can have Twona up and running in under a week. However, in general the bottleneck is on the customer side given the complexities and number of people involved. The way we approach the onboarding phase is as follows: we assign a Customer Success Manager to you, who will guide you step by step during the onboarding and who will help gather all relevant data related to your workflow, configuration, automations, migration of data, reporting and who will also be responsible for training you team on your new tool. Your CSM will go as fast or as slow as you need depending on your current capabilities and resources.

Artwork Manager: That’s reassuring to know. It’s important for us to have a smooth implementation and a dedicated Customer Success Manager sounds like a great way to ensure that. I appreciate the detailed explanation of how Twona can help us improve our artwork management process. I’ll need to discuss this with my team, and we’ll get back to you with any further questions or to move forward with the implementation. Thank you for your time today!

Me: I have one last question before we close the conversation. What do you think would be the biggest challenge for you to get Twona implemented for your team?

Artwork Manager: I think the biggest challenge for us would be ensuring that our team adapts to the new system quickly and that we can successfully integrate it into our existing processes. Change can sometimes be difficult, and it will be important for us to have a clear communication plan and proper training in place to make the transition as smooth as possible. However, with the dedicated support of a Customer Success Manager, I’m confident that we can overcome these challenges and successfully implement Twona in our artwork management process.

Improving Collaboration between Designers, Artwork Coordinators, and Regulatory Affairs Professionals


In the complex world of product packaging and labeling (Pharma and Food mostly), effective collaboration between designers, artwork coordinators, and regulatory affairs professionals is crucial for ensuring compliance, efficiency, and overall success. With ever-changing regulations, tight budgets and timelines and a large set of very different stakeholders, having a streamlined process that connects everyone is essential. Below you will find some key aspects of how to optimize collaboration centered around the benefits of using an Artwork Management System (AMS) like Twona NeXT.

Establish Clear Communication Channels

One of the main challenges every organisation faces when there is a large number of SKUs and stakeholders involved is maintaining clear and effective communication. To address this, you must establish a clear communication channel for each project, where all stakeholders can share updates, feedback, and relevant information. While tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams can help facilitate these conversations, they are hardly suitable for highly regulated environments due the lack of traceability. Additionally, they tend to be disconnected from the projects themselves, serving only as a platform for discussion. Ensuring a Single Source of Truth is key wile Slack or Teams can be used as secondary channels by means of an integration. This means, for instance, a notification can be sent from your system to Slack when a project reaches a certain milestone.

Define Roles and Responsibilities

It is essential to outline the roles and responsibilities of each team member involved in the packaging workflow. Clearly defining who is responsible for what tasks or step ensures accountability and helps prevent confusion and potential bottlenecks. Create a detailed SOP that outlines each step in the workflow, add your work instructions to facilitate adoption and prevent errors and arrange training for every stakeholder involved in the process.

Implement a Centralized Artwork Management System

Using a centralized AMS like Twonas can significantly improve collaboration between designers, artwork coordinators, and RA. Twonas offers a unique set of features that are tailored to meet the needs of the Pharmaceutical, Food, and Retail Industry, making it a perfect choice for managing your artwork projects.

Some of the unique selling points of Twonas include:

  • Automated Workflows: Twonas streamlines the entire process by automating tasks, reminders, and approvals. This helps to eliminate manual processes and reduce the risk of errors or delays.
  • Real-Time Collaboration: Twonas allows team members to collaborate on projects in real-time, ensuring everyone is always on the same page. This feature is particularly useful for reducing the number of feedback rounds.
  • Version Control: Twonas offers a robust version control system that tracks changes and maintains a complete history of all artwork files. This feature helps to prevent confusion and ensures that everyone is working on the latest version of the project.
  • Integration with Third-Party Tools: Twonas integrates with key applications making it easy to connect your existing workflow and systems.

Continuous Improvement

Finally, always be open to learning and improvement. Regularly review your processes, gather feedback from your team (both internal and external), and identify areas for improvement. Implementing a culture of continuous improvement will help ensure that your team is always working efficiently and effectively.

Want to know more? Then drop us a line and we will be happy to discuss your process needs.

Claves del éxito al afrontar el diseño del packaging de un nuevo cliente

En el mundo del diseño, la creación de plantillas de diseño o templates a partir de ahora, es esencial para el éxito de cualquier proyecto. Un template es un documento o archivo que se utiliza como base para la creación de nuevos diseños o materiales. Pueden ser simples, como una página en blanco con un borde, o pueden ser más complejas, con una estructura detallada que incluye una variedad de elementos y características.

Call-E image

Necesito encontrar todo o casi todo lo que necesito en un mismo lugar, si no pierdo demasiado tiempo en buscar recursos y no en el propio diseño.

Cualquier diseñador

La importancia de crear templates adecuadas para futuros proyectos radica en la eficiencia que proporciona al proceso de diseño. Un template bien diseñado asegura que los diseños sean coherentes y que se mantengan dentro de la marca o la identidad visual de la empresa. Además, permiten que los diseñadores trabajen de manera más rápida y eficiente, reduciendo el tiempo de creación de un diseño y, por lo tanto, maximizar nuestros recursos.

Al crear los templates, es fundamental asegurarse de que su contenido sea apropiado para el proyecto en cuestión. Si no está diseñada específicamente para el proyecto puede generar problemas de coherencia, o peor aún, puede llevar a errores costosos. Por ejemplo, si una empresa tiene un template para un folleto que se utiliza para anunciar un producto específico, pero luego se utiliza para anunciar un producto diferente, el resultado puede ser una confusión entre los clientes potenciales y una pérdida de credibilidad de la marca.

Los documentos de apoyo son la base para un proceso de trabajo eficiente, se debe tener en cuenta que el template no solo debe ser funcional, sino que también debe ser fácil de usar. Los diseñadores que trabajan en el proyecto deben poder entender y utilizarlo de manera efectiva para que puedan trabajar con rapidez y eficiencia. Por lo tanto, es importante que sea claro, intuitivo y fácil de navegar.

Un ejemplo real para producir el packaging de un nuevo cliente por ejemplo en el sector farmacéutico sería de la siguiente manera:

  • 1. Proyecto piloto: es importante que haya un proceso inicial de aprendizaje donde trabajamos con una muestra que debe abarcar gran parte de los tipos de productos y siempre es importante que contenga ejemplos difíciles. No nos interesa aprender implementaciones sencillos para sufrir inevitablemente cuando lleguen productos complejos obviando que no podemos cubrir todas las opciones.
  • 2. Documentación de apoyo: una vez hayamos trabajando y aprendido los productos en la fase inicial es hora de generar los documentos de apoyo necesarios como templates, procedimientos y los checklists pertinentes. Siguiendo con el ejemplo debería haber tantas triadas (procedimiento, template y checklist) como categorías de productos: Envases, prospectos, aluminios, etiquetas, sobres, etc.
  • 3. Formación, uso y mejora constante: es necesario apuntar que dichos documentos deben ser de uso común y dado que son documentos vivos deben estar en continua revisión partiendo de su uso continuo mejorando y simplificando dichos archivos periódicamente. Es muy común que el contenido inicial de dichos documentos sea más extensiva que concentrada por motivos de seguridad y calidad.
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Resumiendo, el diseño del packaging tiene muchos detalles que hay que conjugar alineando también agentes externos con detalles técnicos de los fabricantes y excepciones que no encontrarás en ningún documento. La clave esta en tener una fase inicial que nos ayude (piloto), para nutrirnos de archivos de apoyo que nos faciliten el proceso (templates, procedimiento, checklists) para acelerar el diseño del 90% de los productos y así tener tiempo para las excepciones y seguir creciendo.

The Golden DTPr for Pharma Packaging

With Midjourney

Desktop Publishing (DTP) specialists play a crucial role in the packaging design process for pharmaceutical products. Sometimes they are called Artworkers, Artwork Specialists or Packaging Specialists. They work with complex design guidelines, technical requirements, and regulatory specifications, and are responsible for creating packaging materials that are both visually appealing and compliant with industry standards. In many cases they also act as Artwork Coordinators to ensure everything goes as planned in the workflow. In order to thrive in this highly regulated and demanding industry, DTP specialists need to possess a specific set of skills and aptitudes.

1. Extreme Attention to Detail

One of the most important skills that a DTP specialist needs to have in the pharmaceutical industry is an extreme attention to detail. Packaging design for pharmaceutical products is a highly regulated field, and even the smallest mistake can have serious consequences. Nobody wants to deal with a product recall or worse, a patient related issue. DTP specialists need to be able to work with complex design guidelines (150 page design guidelines are not uncommon) and technical specifications (working with many different manufacturers across the world), ensuring that their work meets all of the relevant standards and requirements. They also need to be able to spot errors and inconsistencies in their own work, as well as the work of others, and correct them before they become major issues.

In addition to technical accuracy, DTP specialists also need to have a keen eye for design. They need to be able to create packaging materials that are visually appealing and easy to understand for a wide range of audiences, from doctors and pharmacists to patients and their families. This requires a deep understanding of typography, color theory, and layout, as well as an ability to balance form and function in their work.

2. Ability to Work in Unstructured Environments

Another key skill for a DTP specialist in the pharmaceutical industry is the ability to work in unstructured environments. Unlike other industries where workflows are well-defined and standardized, the pharmaceutical industry is highly complex and dynamic and the structure is not always there (unfortunately many organizations still use Excel to manage projects). Workflows are often influenced by many stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, marketing teams, product development teams, and more. Furthermore, many of these stakeholders are external to the team: printers, customers, CMOs, etc. DTP specialists need to be able to navigate these complex workflows, adapting to changes and unexpected challenges as they arise.

This requires a high degree of flexibility and adaptability, as well as an ability to work well under pressure. DTP specialists need to be able to prioritize tasks, manage their time effectively, and communicate clearly with all of the stakeholders involved in the process.

3. Ability to Communicate with a Wide Range of Stakeholders

Finally, a DTP specialist in the pharmaceutical industry needs to be able to communicate effectively with a wide range of stakeholders. This can include everyone from regulatory bodies and marketing teams to product development teams and vendors. In many cases, these stakeholders may not have a deep understanding of the complexities of packaging design for pharmaceutical products or they will have a deep understanding of their specific needs but not of the entire process, which can make communication challenging. Have you ever tried to explain a printing technical requirement to a regulatory affairs professional?

DTP specialists need to be able to translate technical jargon and complex concepts into language that is easy to understand for non-experts. They also need to be able to build relationships with stakeholders, establishing trust and rapport that can help them navigate the complex workflows and regulatory requirements of the industry.

The Golden DTP specialist in the pharmaceutical industry need to possess a specific set of skills and aptitudes in order to thrive in this demanding and complex field. If you are looking to insource your design process or hire a freelancer, make sure they have at least these 3 top skills.

If you cannot find the right candidate, check out our Studio and we can lend a hand.

Improving your Artworks Workflow

With Midjourney

As an artwork coordinator working for a pharmaceutical company, I oversee the packaging design process from start to finish. It’s a complex process that involves multiple stakeholders and departments: regulatory, supply chain, printing houses, customers (we also do Contract Manufacturing), Quality Assurance, etc. It requires careful coordination to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Over the years, we’ve refined our process to the best of our abilities, but as with any complex system, there’s always room for improvement. We make our process work, but it requires constant emails, reminders and nudges to certain stakeholders to keep everything in check.

When we decided to purchase an Artwork Management System, we agreed to bring in an external workflow and process consultant to help us optimize our packaging design workflow as we intended to digitise our process. At first, I was a bit skeptical. After all, I knew our process inside and out, and I wasn’t sure how an external consultant could provide any value. Our initial plan was to simply move from a manual email based workflow to a digital one. However, after a couple of phone calls regarding the process, we realized that an external set of eyes can sometimes identify issues in your process that you simply cannot see because you’re too close and too busy.

The Consultant

The consultant that came in had extensive experience working with other pharmaceutical companies, not only within brands, but also in CMOs, design agencies, etc. He got us started by going thought our current process, which was drawn on a white board and asking a lot of questions as we went through every stage: who is involved, what information is provided, when, what are the challenges, what happens in this and that scenario, etc. Very quickly he was able to spot a few areas where we could make improvements. There were a couple of key aspects that were particularly interesting where he suggested some changes in the process by analysing and justifying those suggestions. The following was one of the most relevant ones:

Our Process

In the beginning of our process, the Regulatory Department provides the key information related to the change that has to be implemented in the packaging material: a new text, a set of annotated changes due to a change in regulations and anything in between. When this information is received, the Artworks Team checks it and forwards the request to the agency to execute the changes. Later in the process, once the design has been implemented, the Regulatory colleagues check the artwork to make sure it complied with their request for change. The consultant asked: how often does an artwork need to be redone because Regulatory spotted a mistake in the content (not a mistake introduced by the design agency). The answer across my team was consistent…..very frequently. The consultant then made an estimate of the amount of hours involved across all teams between the moment the request is sent by RA and the moment the design is sent back to them for changes. We calculated around 40 to 50 hours of work.

The Suggestions

His suggestion was simple: add a four eye principle on the information provided by Regulatory BEFORE the artwork request is sent to the agency. The objective was to validate the information before those 40 to 50 hours of work were spent on the artwork so that the number of iterations would be reduced. We quickly involved the QA team, who happily agreed to review the data before it was sent to the agency. It was brilliant. A simple suggestion, a nudge to the colleagues in QA and the potential time savings were incredible.

At first, I was a bit intimidated by the prospect of implementing all suggested changes. After all, change can be difficult, especially when you’re dealing with a process that has been in place for years and many stakeholders involved. However, with an open discussions and proper justification of each suggested change, I realized that these changes were all aimed at making our jobs easier and more efficient. By embracing these changes, we could reduce the amount of time and resources we spent on each project and ensure the best possible outcome. Having an external set of eyes also helped align all relevant parties (external people are not afraid of starting difficult conversations).

Over the next few months, we worked closely with the consultant to implement the changes he had suggested. It wasn’t always easy, and there were a few bumps in the road, but overall, the process went smoothly. We saw an consistent improvement in in our process. and our workflow became much more streamlined. We were able to complete projects more quickly and with fewer errors, which made everyone involved in the process much happier.

Looking back, I’m so glad we decided to bring in an external set of eyes to help us optimize our packaging design workflow. I’m excited to see what other improvements we can make in the future, and I’m grateful for the opportunity to work with such a talented consultant.

If you want an external set of eyes on your process, setup a call with us and let’s work together to make your workflow flawless.

Contact us

Asking vs SOPing.

In today’s fast-paced business world, every second counts, and no one wants to waste time on repetitive tasks. One area where this is especially true is in the supply chain of packaging design processes where not only time matters but reducing risk is a key factor of the process. Frequently, supply chain teams are asked to supply information that is mostly static and unchanging, yet the requests for this information continue to pour in. For every artwork material surely comes an email requesting the same information. In these cases, identifying repetitive tasks and documenting the necessary information can help save time across the supply chain while reducing unnecessary risks related to information processing.

Let’s consider the following example: An artwork coordinator requests information from the supply chain team regarding the technical specifications of serialisation printing. The details provided by the supply chain always relate to the market where the product is going to be released (different market, different rules) and change only every one or two years when the regulatory bodies change the laws. The request for information is done for every product, and therefore the response from the supply chain is almost always the same. Furthermore, supply chain is the only team up to date on when the regulations change.

In this situation, creating a set of technical specifications in the form of a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) can help streamline the process. The SOP would describe the serialization requirements per market (what information can be printed where and under which technical specifications), and the supply chain team would become the owners of these documents. By creating and documenting these technical specifications, the supply chain team can prevent the information from being requested for every product, thereby saving a tremendous amount of time while reducing the risk of misinformation.

The benefits of creating SOPs and technical documents go beyond time-saving. By documenting and standardizing information, it becomes easier to communicate and collaborate with team members and stakeholders. This standardization can also reduce errors and improve the quality of the work.

Furthermore, the benefits of documenting information go beyond the immediate supply chain team. If the information is needed by other teams, such as quality assurange or regulatory affairs, having a documented SOP can ensure that everyone is on the same page and using the correct information. This can help prevent delays and ensure that all aspects of the product development process are aligned.

In conclusion, identifying repetitive tasks and documenting necessary information can help save time across the entire supply chain of packaging design. The example of creating an SOP for serialization requirements illustrates how this process can be applied in practice on any company that markets products across different countries. By creating and maintaining such documents, teams can save time, reduce the risk of misinformation, and improve the overall quality of their work.

Do you email or do you SOP?

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Los medicamentos genéricos y el árido campo para sembrar la polémica

La industria de los medicamentos genéricos es una parte integral del sistema de salud de todo el mundo. Sin embargo, existe un debate en curso sobre la verdad en la industria de los medicamentos genéricos. En este artículo, se discutirán las leyes que regulan el mercado de los medicamentos genéricos, así como la realidad química de los efectos beneficiosos y secundarios de estos medicamentos.

Midjourney image

En primera instancia quien tiene cierta relación con la industria farmacéutica debería tenerlo claro pero lo cierto es que he oido a médicos cuestionarlo, si si, a médicos, en Europa en el siglo XXI. Bajo mi punto de vista este tipo de cosas, van de la mano con comentarios como que los aviones de una compañía de bajo coste son inseguros, el gran argumento es que supuestamente no pasan los mismos controles de seguridad en los aeropuertos. Ni voy a entrar en quien siembra este tipo de bulos por llamarlo de una manera menos hiriente, a los efectos da igual, es una cuestión de dejadez e ignorancia porque todos tenemos internet y con una búsqueda sobre la ley o entidad reguladora la duda queda resuelta.

Dicho esto y retomando el tema de los genéricos y centrándome en Europa, la ley cambió en 2004 donde desaparece la obligación de que el medicamento de referencia deba estar comercializado en el estado miembro en el que se pretende comercializar el medicamento genérico y se fija un único período de protección administrativa de los datos relativos al medicamento de referencia de 8 años aunque no podrán comercializarse hasta transcurridos los 10 años desde la fecha de autorización inicial del medicamento de referencia. Es decir, un laboratorio tiene 10 años para amortizar y rentabilizar un nuevo fármaco.

Leyes que regulan el mercado de los medicamentos genéricos

En Europa, la Agencia Europea de Medicamentos (EMA, por sus siglas en inglés) es la agencia responsable de la aprobación y regulación de los medicamentos, incluidos los medicamentos genéricos. La EMA requiere que los medicamentos genéricos sean bioequivalentes al medicamento de marca y cumplan con los mismos estándares de calidad, fuerza y pureza, es decir que contiene los mismos ingredientes activos y se absorbe de la misma manera en el cuerpo.

En los Estados Unidos, la FDA es la agencia federal responsable de la aprobación y regulación de los medicamentos con los mismos criterios de la EMA.

En ambos casos, la aprobación de un medicamento genérico requiere pruebas rigurosas y rigurosos estándares de seguridad y eficacia. Aunque algunos críticos argumentan que los medicamentos genéricos no son tan efectivos como los medicamentos de marca, los estudios han demostrado consistentemente que los medicamentos genéricos son igual de efectivos que los medicamentos de marca.

Realidad química de los efectos beneficiosos y secundarios de los medicamentos genéricos

La realidad química de los efectos beneficiosos de los medicamentos genéricos es la misma que la de los medicamentos de marca. Los medicamentos genéricos contienen los mismos ingredientes activos que los medicamentos de marca y, por lo tanto, tienen los mismos efectos beneficiosos. Sin embargo, los medicamentos genéricos pueden contener diferentes excipientes, que son los ingredientes inactivos que se utilizan para dar forma a la píldora, mejorar la absorción o el sabor, o para ayudar a preservar el medicamento. Estos excipientes pueden variar entre los medicamentos genéricos y de marca, pero no afectan la eficacia del medicamento. A veces esta parte es la que los escépticos toman como bandera para justificar lo incuestionable.

Por otro lado, los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos genéricos pueden ser diferentes de los efectos secundarios de los medicamentos de marca. Esto se debe a que algunos de los excipientes utilizados en los medicamentos genéricos pueden afectar la absorción y la metabolización del medicamento en el cuerpo, lo que puede afectar la probabilidad de experimentar efectos secundarios.

Para cerrar con un ejemplo, el ácido acetilsalicílico o AAS, conocido popularmente como aspirina, nombre de una marca que pasó al uso común, fue creada por Bayer en 1897, el siglo pasado ni más ni menos, es decir, el ácido acetilsalicílico es exactamente igual en todos y cada uno de los laboratorios que se produce en todo el mundo, ¿queda alguna duda al respecto?.

Rafael Cruz Núñez
Artwork Manager